Oh, it's Christmas time...
There is no escaping it. Christmas is here. Two of my 6 radio presets in the car are already blaring Christmas music, one was playing it the week before Thanksgiving. Two out of every three commercials on TV seem to be Christmas and houses are all decked out with lights. These are all the more evident when you are trying to avoid everything Holiday related. On the news today, there were reports of all the crazy Black Friday shopping. There was a report about two guys getting arrested for fighting over a parking spot. One guy pulled a knife while the other trumped him and pulled out his rifle. That's the holiday spirit... Is this what Christmas has come to? All we want is to celebrate the holidays with our baby. Instead we have to wade through all this nonsense in the news and deal with all the materialistic aspects of the holidays on top of that. These are supposed to be happy magical times with family. Without Lila, they are just painful to endure. I miss my baby. - Mike